Spirit Animal Guides Coming in Hot
Our spirit animals are here to guide us and offer wisdom from the higher realms. They are often here to help us remember our shamanic roots and why we incarnated on earth again. The animals have come through so much this year, showing that they are behind the scenes as part of our ‘supporting cast.’
This year, I was guided to begin offering my Elemental Guide readings in a different way. A more comprehensive and expansive way of providing my clients with messages from their Spirit Guides, their Soul Team. As such, I expanded my readings to offer guidance from the spirit animal realms, which has elevated my readings to another level. The animals offer us a unique perspective on situations in our lives, whether that be challenges that arise or whether it's been smooth sailing on your journey as of late. The animals want to be involved and show their support. Some of the themes that have been showing up in my readings with the guides have been universal. These include the fact that so many souls on the ascension path are clearing a lot of heaviness from their physical bodies. Things that no longer align with their highest mission and highest timeline here on earth. Also, the animals are showing me that so many souls have taken on the mission of helping the collective of humanity. In this capacity, the role of many on the ascension path has been to transmute the dark and heavy areas here on earth to clear this realm for the higher energies coming in from the Great Central Sun of our Solar System. These are very big missions that lightworkers carry in their DNA and the spirit animals show us how our roles here are very important to the ascension process. The animals are reminding us that we said yes to this big mission. We said we want to help. Through their love and support, our spirit animal guides help us embody these special missions that we came for at this time of ascension.
Which Elemental Are You Vibing With?
Through our soul connection with the elemental guides, we find ourselves immersed in very different energy depending on which elemental we're connecting with. So, I ask you, what’s your elemental vibe? It can be more than one!
Dragon energy is a strong feeling of empowerment, being bold & unstoppable, swiftly working through projects and feeling like the path has been cleared for you.
Unicorn energy is creative, artistic, colorful, playful, joyous and childlike. Have you ever just had an “idea” pop into your head? Yep, that was your unicorn.
Mermaid energy is flowing, effortless, graceful & harmonious. They encourage ‘the flow’ and remind us where energy flows, it grows.
Fairy energy is very shamanic and connected to Gaia. It reminds us to ‘feel the feels’ and immerse ourselves in the heart of nature and Gaia’s bountiful resources.
With so much heightened energy on the planet now, you’ve no doubt tapped into some of this elemental energy without even being consciously aware of it! If you want to work more consciously with your Elemental Guides, I am here to help. I have free resources on my Instagram page to connect you with your elemental guides. You can find me on IG: aconnectedspark. I also offer Elemental Guide intuitive readings - more info on those on my Substack homepage.
One Final Note
If you feel drawn to the Spirit Animals and the Elementals, know that you are not alone! I’ve been hearing from clients and soul family that these two powerhouse groups are making themselves known more and more on the daily. I encourage you to keep an open mind, don’t judge or overthink what you’re intuitively receiving, feeling, seeing or hearing. The guides work in mysterious ways and will try to connect with you in the easiest way possible. This is where your ‘clairs’ come into play. Which way do you normally receive intuitive information? Therein usually lies the key to connecting more.
Kris & The Elementals
*Portrait of the black wolf guide by Caitlin on Instagram - caitlindarbee_art
*Elemental slide by aconnectedspark