Do you remember?
You’re in the Hall of the Dragon High Council. You and your dragon guide have been requested here to discuss an upcoming mission. You wonder what this mission may be. You hear it’s very important, but aren’t they all?
This mission is of extra importance. You see, this is a mission of many starseed souls who will assist the Milky Way Galaxy for thousands of years to come.
You and your dragon walk through the Golden Halls of the Dragon High Council and you arrive at the Great Table of Dragons. Countless dragon representatives from all over the galaxy and other star systems are seated here in front of you. It’s of the utmost honor to be here now, for you are an Ascended Soul. Your soul has taken on countless missions over many lifetimes. You are a Dragon Rider.
But now, your soul is in between lifetimes. You are deciding whether or not you’d like to take on another reincarnation somewhere in the galaxy. You’re also deciding if this proposed mission from the Dragon High Council is one that you and your dragon guide will take on.
The Dragon High Council speaks to you now:
“We thank you for coming today. We are here to inform you that there is a planet that needs the help of the Dragon Riders at this time. It is Earth. As you know, Earth is coming to the end of its current planetary cycle and Gaia is asking for assistance from all over the galaxy to help clear the planet of density & the dark spells that have kept her in a lower frequency. Gaia is also asking for your assistance in raising her frequency. Since you and your dragon have trained in many Mystery Schools and carry the keys & codes on a soul level to assist with this, you are perfect for this assignment. To be clear - it is a two-fold mission. Clear the density and raise the frequency.
‘We are asking each Dragon Rider who’s in between lifetimes now if they are willing to take on another mission on Earth with their dragon partner.
‘You will be tasked with transmuting the ley lines of the planet, clearing atmospheric debris and density, re-activating the crystalline grid of Earth and assisting in awakening other souls. And, there may be more that we cannot go into detail about just yet. As you know, the people of Earth have free will and this mission will have other components that will come into play.”
As this mission is presented to you, you ask to confer with your dragon partner so you may make an informed decision together about whether or not you will take on what’s being asked of you.
What will you do?
My dragon guide and I invite you to sit with this and see what comes into your awareness. Simply reading and activating this memory within your conscious awareness will also amplify the connection with your dragon guide. If you are a Dragon Rider - this may also present itself to you now.
This post will be a part of an ongoing series called “Paint the Picture of the Memory.” These will be channeled stories from the akashic records and quantum field where I help you remember bits and pieces of where you’ve been in other lifetimes, working with the elemental guides and the various High Councils throughout the Galaxy.
My dragon guide and I are honored to be able to assist you and your dragon in remembering your connection on a soul level.
Love -
Kris & The Elementals