Part 2 of this visualization takes you into a deeper connection with the Elementals.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out. Relax your shoulders and your body. Feel into the calming energy of this sacred space at the Crystal Diamond Lake. As you rest here, notice what comes into your awareness. There are fairies, unicorns, dragons and mermaids all around you now, waiting to connect with you.
Take a few moments to allow the energy of the elementals to come into your awareness -
Connecting with the energy of the fairies is playful and fun, with a special shamanic reverence for Gaia. They naturally want to take care of her, as stewards of the land and all the plants, flowers and trees.
Now, I invite you to feel the energy of the unicorns, who are very high-vibration and they come into your awareness, with their gentle and loving energy of Christ consciousness. They are teachers that have been sent to Earth from the higher planes. They are innately gifted with the ability to heal others with their horns and their high frequency.
Now, let’s move to our dragon friends, who cleared Gaia for life to exist. They set the dragon lines across Gaia as a highway to connect the energy of the crystalline grid. They are deeply vested in Gaia, as they have been here since the inception of the planet. They are wise, ancient creatures with a deep spiritual connection to the angelic realms and the Christ Light. They are here helping us reconnect to the innate soul wisdom within our hearts that aligns us directly with Gaia and her heart chakra.
And finally, the mermaids are here to share the flow codes of creation and manifestation with you. They align your soul with your spiritual gifts and memories that are stored in your DNA on a cellular level. They come in to share their ancient wisdom of the water, as caretakers of every body of water on Gaia. Their energy is calm, but assertive and they are strong advocates of all souls using their throat chakra to express themselves from a heart-centered place of awareness.
As you sit here, at this beautiful place, intuitively feel which elemental wants to connect with you now. You may see a fairy come to your side, a mermaid arrive at the edge of the water or a unicorn or dragon in your awareness.
Who wants to share a message with you now?
There are so many beautiful messages swirling around in your energy field. One of these elemental groups has an important message for you now. Take a moment to sit quietly and see which one of your elemental guides wants to come in and connect. Once your elemental guide comes in, ask them what messages they have for your highest good at this time. You may see them in your mind’s eye, hear a name or a thought, or sense something from them in your awareness. The messages from the guides can come in many shapes and forms.
Take some time to see what you receive from your elemental guide that is here with you now.
Thank them for coming forth to connect with you today. They are here to support you on your mission. Do they have anything to share about your specific mission on earth? You and your team made a plan before you reincarnated here. What would your guide like to convey?
Once you’ve received a message from your guide, please thank them for connecting with you here. You can always come back here to this sacred space to reconnect. You’ve been called here for a reason.
What a beautiful gift to have journeyed here to the Crystal Diamond Lake for this moment with your elemental partners. They thank you for meeting them here and listening to their messages. They love you deeply with all of their heart and want you to know that they are always with you, by your side, guiding you on this journey. Call on them whenever you need them and they will answer you. Just ask to be shown the signs clearly that they are there and you will feel them intuitively within your heart and your awareness.
*This visualization and all content in this newsletter has been personally channeled by me to share on this page. It is copyrighted and not for any other use.
*My photo
Kris & The Elementals