Gaia, Humanity & The Elementals - A Review of 2023
How The Elemental Realms are Assisting in Earth's Ascension
Welcome to December! Your soul has journeyed another year here on Earth assisting with the planetary changes that are happening right now. As our ascension slides into the last month of 2023, here’s an update on how the Elemental realms are assisting humanity right now:
The guides and I want to remind you that the elemental collectives have been our allies and mission partners for eons, across this galaxy and throughout the universe.
This is a unique time on Earth, where we are going into a new cycle of energy and we are shifting away from a time where we are disconnected from Gaia and our spiritual guides and moving into the Age of Aquarius. In this higher paradigm, we are collectively reconnecting back to our shamanic practices, abilities and working with our guides to help us on our journey. As such, the elemental guides are a part of this mission of ours here on Earth.
There are four elemental groups that I work with and I want to share a little bit about how each of these collectives are currently assisting humanity and Gaia.
The dragons work to transmute the dense energy and grid that has been placed on Earth. They initially came here to deconstruct the grid and transmute the darkness that has been held within Gaia for thousands of years. Now, most of the deep transmutation has been completed and there are more and more dragons here now, even from the higher dimensions who have arrived on planet to assist us in placing the higher light codes of Christ consciousness into the ley lines (grids) of the planet. They are working tirelessly with their human soul partners who also have missions here to clear the planet. Dragon energy is able to transmute any density that still lingers here, so they will not be leaving the planet. They are here for the long-haul and will be a part of our 5th dimensional reality on Earth.
In contrast to the dragons, the unicorns are here helping humanity to shift into the higher paradigm and send light codes to us that consist of Christ light which are holding the highest frequency for Gaia. They also send us positive, creative energy, and assist us in bringing our joy to the world and to cultivate joy and creativity within ourselves, which in turn assists the collective. This raises the frequency of the planet by one individual soul at a time living in their truth and with a fulfilled heart. It creates a ripple effect.
The mermaids help us to bring creative flow to our lives and our missions and tap into the conscious flow of our missions. They also work with light and color, so they can assist us in holding the color codes in our auras and energy fields that are channeling our highest self and our missions. They especially like to be involved in your creativity, so invite your mermaid guide to assist you in this way, whether it’s painting, singing, dancing or any other way that you express your creativity.
Finally, the fairies are the Shamans of the Earth and the Keepers of Gaia’s landscape. They work with us to bless the land, the water, the skies, nature and all living creatures on Gaia. They hold a deep reverence for this planet and shower her with abundance and the higher light codes from Source & the angels. They work with their human partners to permeate humanity with these light codes and blessings, as we have this direct connection with other souls that they don't have, simply by existing in this human body. Invite the fairy realms into your life to broaden your shamanic approach to life and see where they show up for you.
Collectively, as we move into 2024, we are still transmuting the heavy, dense energy that continues to accrue on the planet through the vibration of fear, lack, greed and war. As a lightworker collective, we work with the Keepers of Gaia to do this, including the dragons and the fairies. And, the good news is, we are clearing the density at a rapid rate, as the influx of light from the Great Central Sun is accelerating the frequency of the planet. It has become exponentially more difficult for anything dark to linger here, as Gaia herself has chosen to ascend and simply does not resonate with anything less than a 5th dimensional frequency.
As more light is held on the planet, there will be more opportunity in 2024 to remember your elemental guides and begin working with them again on a conscious level. My guides and I are here to help you remember. We invite you to peruse all of my Substack content, as soul activations are an ongoing process through the words and messages shared here. If you feel called to work more with your elemental guides, we’d love to help! Please visit my Elemental Reading FAQ pages to see examples of what each guide may share through a reading.
Have a great December and we will see you in 2024!
Kris & The Elementals
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