Fairy Guide Reading & Activation FAQ's
Connecting you to the Shamanic Ways of the Earth & Your Soul Aspects as a Keeper of Gaia
What Is A Fairy Guide Reading & Activation?
A fairy guide reading & activation is a service that I offer where I connect with your personal fairy guide to bring forth messaging for you, for your highest good at this time. I’m a Liaison to the Elementals, including the fairy realms. In short, that means that I have a soul contract to assist them in connecting with their human soul partners (you)! The fairies are here to help you reconnect with your inner shaman soul aspects; as a steward of beautiful Mama Gaia. Working with the land, including the trees, plants, flowers, woodland creatures & the dragons, they are Keepers of Nature & Gaia. The Fairies protect all living things here on Gaia and are forever in service to the Prime Creator, always honoring all living things. This is a part of their soul work as a collective. They are small, but mighty powerhouses who are ready to work with you to remember your soul gifts.
Why Would I Want a Fairy Guide Reading & Activation?
If you feel called to the land, a call to work with Gaia, feel at home in nature among the plants or feel a kinship with the spirits of the water, air, earth and fire, this is the reading that will connect you back to all of those aspects of your soul. The fairies are guardians of Gaia, Keepers of the Light codes that shine within every living thing in the forest. They are protectors of the ley lines & along with the dragons, infuse their light into the crystalline grid of Gaia. This high-vibrational grid will be activated once again when we are fully ready to bring in the next Golden Age. This New Golden Age of Aquarius will bring in a time where all living things will live together in harmony. Humans, animals, plants, flowers, trees and sea creatures together on the planet living in peace, embodying a unity consciousness of love.
That all being said, when you receive a reading, you’ll be given the name of your fairy guide and a description of what he/she looks like. In addition to the description of your guide, you’ll receive the messages they’d like to share with you now for your best and highest good at this time. This can be about past lives as an elemental, what your soul mission is here in this lifetime or perhaps why you’ve decided to come to Earth during this unprecedented time of planetary & humanity’s ascension.
How Do the Spirit Animal Realms Assist in this Reading?
Spirit is showing me how the Elemental realms are closely connected to the Spirit Animal realms. They are both Guardians of Gaia and work in tandem to facilitate a harmonious connection with the light that’s coming into the planet at this time. As this beautiful symphony of light weaves a tapestry in the collective, I see in my mind’s eye that the elemental guides are holding the higher frequencies through the veil and the animal realms are holding the keys & codes here on Earth to the medicine that Gaia and humanity need at this time. They’ve come to me and asked to work together through my readings to connect with you on a deeper level. It’s my honor to help them connect with you in this way. Through this elemental and spirit animal connection, you will receive guidance from both of these Friends of the Light in your reading. This is a shamanic approach to providing you with the messages that your guides wish to share with you at this time.
What Do I Have to Do to Get a Fairy Guide Reading?
Please send me a DM via Instagram @aconnectedspark or an email to: krisrobinsondesigns@gmail.com and we’ll schedule a mutual time that works to begin the process. Please note, that it takes approximately 2- 3 days to connect, compile the messaging and send it to you via email.
Here are the steps after that:
1) I ask you to thank your fairy & spirit animal guides for connecting with me in advance of speaking with them.
2) I set the intention to connect with your guides and receive their channeled messages for your highest good at this time.
3) Additionally, I will pull cards from the Oracle of the Fairies deck by Karen Kay to intuitively provide you with further guidance on your journey at this time. Your fairy guide will choose which cards I pull and you will receive the oracle book guidance plus a message from your guide about each card they’ve chosen. From the spirit animals, I will pull cards & provide intuitive guidance from one of the spirit animal oracle decks I’ve been guided to, either:
The Spirit Animal oracle by Colette Baron-Reid
The Archangel Animal oracle by Diana Cooper
4) I notate the messages and then I compile all the messaging with a description of your guides and any other information they’ve asked me to send to you. I send all this in a PDF document via email once I’ve completed your reading.
5) This reading acts as an activation on a soul level for you. It helps you remember your connection with the dragons and the higher realms of consciousness. Through the messages shared with you from your guides & the keys and codes that I carry from the elemental realms, this reading provides your soul activation tools to step more into your earthly mission with the elementals.
What is the Cost of the Reading?
The energy exchange is $111 USD, which may be sent via PayPal or Venmo. Payment is due when we schedule your session and I place you on my calendar. I’m currently currently scheduling readings for late March 2025.
Please note: Due to the overwhelming response for my readings, it may be 3 - 4 weeks from when you schedule your reading with me to when I’m able to connect with your guides. Thank you for honoring the process and how I connect.
How Can I Schedule a Fairy Reading With You?
Simply send me a DM on my Instagram page @aconnectedspark or email me at: krisrobinsondesigns@gmail.com and we’ll go from there.
You can find more information about the Fairy realms on my Instagram page: @connectedspark
Or in my newsletters: @aconnectedspark on Substack.
* All photos in this newsletter were taken by me