My Elemental Story Time series is taken from my client readings with the dragons & other elemental guides. They are modified into short story form here.
This story begins the night before I was planning to meet with this particular dragon guide. Sometimes, I intuitively receive the dragon guide’s name before I meditate with them. This time, when I received this guide’s name, I immediately burst into tears. I heard the name Zulu. And I heard, “I know you, brother. I remember you.” He said, “Yes, sister, it’s like a homecoming. Thank you for remembering me. Thank you for your work with the dragons. I honor you on your mission.” I couldn't stop crying. It was Zulu. I knew Zulu. He was someone special to me. And, now the story continues…
The next day in meditation, I thanked my dragon guide for bringing forth Zulu. They both came in, ready to meet with me. Zulu showed himself as a towering black dragon with orange eyes. He was enormous. But as with all the dragon guides I meet, they are never intimidating. They are gentle, loving and speak so fondly of their humans. Zulu was ready to talk.
I asked what messages he had for his human’s highest good at this time.
He took me to Avalon. He said that his human was a Dragon Rider Trainer in this lifetime. He was there, showing me a scene with his soul partner standing with a group of Avalonians and they were working on their training. Zulu conveyed that there are many aspects to becoming a dragon rider and his human, as the Dragon Rider Trainer, was getting this group prepared for what would soon be their missions. A trainer assisted in all aspects of the dragon rider’s development. There were courses in telepathy, on how to communicate with your dragon, weaponry for battle, book work to learn about the ancient ways of the dragons, skill work to enable the rider to fly accurately and precisely and even more. It was daunting work, but if you were called to become a dragon rider, you knew what that meant and that the training would be tireless, but rewarding. You dedicated your soul to working with your particular dragon and throughout all lifetimes you would work together, as one, in partnership, in service to the Light and in service to the Prime Creator, Source, God. Even today, Zulu’s human here on Earth is on his mission to serve the light.
Zulu conveyed that his human partner is here to remember the ways of the dragon trainer. He’s here to remember, for when the Earth reaches the 5th dimension, his human will again be training the dragon riders. Zulu’s human partner will become activated through his dormant DNA from Avalon to lead the dragon riders. New technology will emerge that hasn’t been seen on this planet in eons. Zulu’s partner will instinctively know how to work with this technology and help establish the foundation for the New Earth. The ascended 5d Earth will be one of unity, harmony, respect for all living things, peaceful, compassionate and loving. We are birthing this New Earth now and will be fully immersed in the 5th dimension here on the planet by the year 2032.
As we continue, Zulu has one final thing to show me, or rather, remind me of. He takes me to a scene of a crowd chanting, “Zulu, Zulu, Zulu.” It was mesmerizing. The chant, “Zulu, Zulu, Zulu.” I’ve been here. I remember. He was showing me something that not only his partner had seen back in Avalon, but that I had also seen. Zulu was ascending. He’s showing me that this is the coronation of him becoming a Dragon Leader on the island of Avalon. He’s being given a title. He’s received this leadership role and his human is there and I’m there too. He’s becoming our Leader. One of the ascended dragons on Avalon. He’s flying. Then he picks his human up and they fly all around the sky. These are happy, joyous times. Circling the island. I don’t want to leave this scene. It feels comfortable and like home to stay here. I thank him for showing me this, what a gift to witness and feel this again. A beautiful soul memory from another lifetime that I could now look back on.
This was all so magical. It touched my heart. I didn’t know going into this meeting with Zulu that it would be like a Homecoming for me, too. Now what he told me has even more meaning. It was a Homecoming for all three of us, all four of us for that matter, because my guide, Haiku was there too. It makes my heart full knowing that these soul connections are out there just waiting to be rediscovered through working with the guides. My guides and your guides.
So, I want to end this Story Time by saying thank you. Thank you to the guides and thank you to the beautiful souls who’ve reached out to me who’ve entrusted me to connect to their guides for them. For their souls to learn and remember, just as my soul is remembering too. We’re all here to journey together, to lift each other and embrace our new roles as leaders of the New Earth who have a soul contract to remember who we are. To remember our divinity and that we are multidimensional beings of light temporarily in this human body.
If you're interested in your own dragon guide reading, please check out the FAQ’s on the linktree in my bio. It’s our honor to assist you in connecting with your guides.
See you next time on Elemental Story Time…