Dragon Story Time - A Multi-dimensional Partnership
The Pure Light of the Higher Dimensions - Channeled by the Dragons
These Elemental Story Times are taken from my client sessions with the guides and are modified into short story form.
The Christ Light. So many beautiful souls on Earth right now are carrying the Christ light codes in their DNA. This is a story about a dragon guide whose soul partner is a special human carrying the Christ light within her.
This story begins with a dragon guide named Onyx. He’s a jet black dragon with orange/red eyes, indeed they’re very fiery looking eyes. He explains that he’s one of the Christed light dragons. As part of his service work with his human partner, he places Christ Light codes all over the planet. They’ve done this together throughout many lifetimes.
Onyx says that his soul partner holds the Sophia codes in her DNA. She carries the Christ Light or Christ Consciousness spark as part of her soul work. Onyx also goes on to say that each human carries the codes for their missions in their DNA. It is like a switch that gets flipped “on,'' he says, when the divine timing arrives to activate that part of your mission.
It’s at this time in our session that he wants to remind me that the Prime Creator oversees all soul contracts. He says that the soul contract is signed between the guides and the soul who will be incarnating in the physical body. Then the Prime Creator also signs off on your missions and when these dormant DNA cell activations will occur in your lifetime. All aspects of your soul incarnation are discussed before you arrive here.
As we begin to speak more and more, Onyx shares so much about his human partner.
He says that she is a Dragon Rider of Avalon and in fact, her dragon heart is activated in this lifetime. This means that as a dragon and soul partner, their hearts are merged as one. They are forever bound to each other in service to the Prime Creator on their missions, wherever that takes them in this galaxy or others. Intuitively, I feel Onyx’s beautiful heart-filled love for his soul partner. Onyx wants me to know that he refers to her as his “Sister in Light.”
Many of the messages he shares are that his soul partner is powerful, strong and should never doubt herself. “Embody the strong, magnificent Source creator aspects of yourself! You are here to do your service work and light up the planet with the Christ light codes!”
As we continue our time together, Onyx takes me to ancient Egypt, where his human partner had a lifetime in the temples here. He says many dragons are here in this ancient place with their humans. Onyx conveys that he goes to portals and travels to other dimensions to bring star codes and light activations to the pyramids. He’s showing me that the pyramids levitate in the air. He says they’re not that far off the ground, but they levitate and the exterior part of the pyramids are permeable. The walls are almost translucent. They are permeable so that the light codes can be placed within them and then the codes are imbued out to all of Ancient Egypt. He says that he meditates with the pyramid to place the light codes in it. I see him using telepathy to do this. He shows me a thought that he has then it’s literally being placed into the pyramid through telepathy. He says this is how the dragons infused the pyramids with the light codes from the cosmos for the benefit of society. This kept everything in harmony and peace. He says there were many dragons doing this with their humans.
I was amazed at what I was being shown. This was all so fascinating and quite frankly, mind blowing. In my sessions with the guides, I’ve come to realize that there are concepts that my human brain cannot quite grasp, but they’re showing me a side to our souls that is still there. An experience that we had, which is still held deep within our DNA, just waiting to be tapped into.
As we bring our sessions to a close, Onyx shows me another lifetime in Atlantis where they are working in the Temple of Knowledge. This is yet another aspect of my client’s soul that she’s here to tap into and activate in this lifetime. Onyx says that he’ll always be right by her side and showing her the way. That’s what soul partners do. They help each other remember their true divinity as Source creator beings.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of Dragon Story Time. If you’re feeling called to find out more about your soul origins and experiences, I invite you to check out the Dragon guide reading FAQ’s on my Substack for more information about my readings. Or visit me on Instagram @aconnectedspark for more Elemental wisdom & shares.
Kris & The Dragons