And, Down the Spiritual Path We Go...
The "Great Awakening" is Here, It's Time to Reconnect with Your Innate Abilities
Do You Meditate?
This picture that I took in Florida at the beach is very meditative to me. So, my question to you is: Do you meditate on a regular basis?
I normally meditate everyday, as I truly love connecting with my Spirit Team.
It’s important to calm your mind and get into a meditative state to connect with your Higher Self and your inner wisdom. Now is the perfect time to elevate your mindfulness, as we’re entering into the Golden Age of Aquarius. Eventually, this will move us into a higher vibrational-level here on Earth; the 5th dimension.
Here are some ways to elevate your meditation practice:
Thank Mother Earth for allowing you to connect to the rose quartz within Gaia. Think about pulling that loving energy up through the root chakra and emanating it throughout every cell in your body. Spreading that love you’re feeling across the globe. You can visualize a white light covering Mother Earth to spread this peace, love and compassion all over the world and to every human being.
You may also connect to the Great Central Sun through your crown chakra. This is the sun that provides life-force energy to our Earth’s sun and our galaxy, allowing us to benefit through its powerful energy. I always thank the Great Central Sun for filling my physical body with this golden light energy of purity.
If you’re a Lightworker, you can envision connecting your light with others across the globe to raise the vibration and anchor in light to Mother Gaia.
Find a meditation practice that works for you. Your angels and guides are waiting to connect you back to your heart space and your sovereignty.
So You Want to Know More About Your Aura?
I bet you might have an idea of what your aura is, but have you ever received an aura reading to specifically decode your aura color?
I recently had an aura reading and the specifics about my aura were spot-on.
But, first things first. Your aura is the light that surrounds your body; your essence embodied in color. We all have a prominent aura color around us innately, however, like anything else in life, it is possible for the colors to change over time.
For example, I have a predominant blue aura, which is the most healing of any aura color. This is a color that emanates directly in a full circle around my body at any given time. “Blue aura indicates my essence is tranquil and sensitive.” Outside of this blue field is a green tone. The green tone means I’m a natural healer and social. Others experience my energy as balanced and in harmony with everything. Blue’s purpose is to serve mankind and show others how to love one another. I have a strong faith and trust in a Higher power.
Here’s a quick list of aura colors and traits, excerpted from an article I found on, titled “What is an Aura? And 15 Other Questions Answered”
Red: well-grounded, energetic, strong-willed
Orange: adventurous, thoughtful, considerate
Yellow: creative, relaxed, friendly
Green: social, communicator, nurturing
Blue: intuitive, spiritual, freethinker
Indigo: curious, spiritually connected, gentle
Violet: wise, intellectual, independent
If you’re curious what color your aura is, I’d highly recommend an aura reading to decode what vibe you’re emanating out into the world!
Using Oracle Cards to Connect with Spirit
How many times have you thought, I wonder what I should do in this situation?
Might I suggest connecting with Spirit through oracle cards and building a relationship with your team so that they may provide guidance to any situation you have questions about.
Find a card deck that speaks to you. There are so many to choose from. Angel cards, life purpose cards, inspirational cards, spirit animal cards, the list goes on. I’ve been building my card arsenal for years. It’s fun to find new cards that speak to you and connect you to Spirit. Each deck holds special meaning and brings forth a connection to Spirit that you can’t get anywhere else.
Here’s what my oracle card pull usually looks like:
Which oracle cards call to me today for the question that I have?
Once I select the deck, I knock on it three times to clear the energy
Shuffle the deck until it feels right to pull a card (or sometimes I shuffle 3 times)
Thank Archangel Michael or the angels if you prefer, for bringing in only the highest light and vibration to your card pull and the messages coming forth (you can actually say the above phrase out loud or in your head)
Say “Thank you for showing me the signs clearly” and ask your question either out loud or in your head
Choose a card from anywhere in the deck that calls to you. There’s no right or wrong way to select a card. You can lay the cards out in front of you and choose one, or choose as the deck is in your hands or just choose a card from the top or bottom of the deck. Use your intuition to guide you.
When you pull the card, see what first stands out to you just by looking at the picture on the card. What resonates?
After you look at the card, read the message and see what speaks to you from the message in the guide book. The guide book is there for guidance purposes. Use your intuition and whatever message comes to mind, as this will develop your innate ability to hone in to what messages the cards are giving you.
I always thank my spirit team and the card deck for the guidance and answers they provided me.
All in all, let’s call oracle cards another tool to strengthen your connection with your spirit team. They are waiting for you to call on them to be of assistance. <3
All the pictures in this newsletter were taken by me. I hope they brighten your day!
Additionally, if you feel called to connect with an oracle deck, please visit my linktree to click on my Etsy shop where I offer card decks, crystals and my unique sun catcher creations.
Sending you peace, love and light <3