When the Universe is Conspiring in Your Favor
Do you ever find yourself in the middle of your day and you’ve experienced several synchronicities that you just can’t explain? For instance, did you finally find that thing you were missing around the house and all along it was right in plain sight? Did you go the same route on your way to work, but today was different because you kept seeing repeating numbers around you that you hadn’t noticed in the past? Say, 1111, 222, 333 or 1234. In that moment, reflect on what you were thinking about or what was going on around you when you saw those numbers. Or, are you looking to change occupations and wondering what your next move is. Then you begin reflecting on that one thing you really enjoy and you think to yourself “Why can’t I make money doing that?” These are all synchronicities from the Universe. There are no coincidences, but you have to look for the signs and be aware of what the Universe is sending you. Practice this as you go about your day. You’d be surprised how many times the Universe is sending you signs. Once you start to recognize this, thank the Universe and your Guides for the messages. Trust that your Spirit Team is with you and always has your highest and best good in mind.
Trust That Your Dragon Guide is With You
The dragon collective has been with humanity since Earth’s inception, but they are here now more than ever to guide us on our path into the 5th dimension. They are stewards of the Earth and supporters of humanity. They love Mother Earth and her inhabitants. The dragons are the power aspect of our souls. They are everything that we may have forgotten that we are, but they’re here to help us remember. When I connect with the dragons in my readings, they’ve conveyed that they are beyond excited to reconnect with their “soul partners.” This is a beautiful way to convey that you and your dragon are working together as soul partners on this Earthly mission. Indeed, we all agree to “missions” before we incarnate and part of your mission is to work with your dragon to raise the vibration of the planet. Each individual soul has a specific way to do that. Some souls are here to spread light codes into Earth’s frequency and inhabitants, while others are helping to anchor high frequency light into the ley lines of the planet to raise the vibration. I have no doubt that most of the Lightworkers here on Earth right now have agreed to work with their dragons and other humans to complete this task. If you’re intrigued and curious what your dragon guide wants to share with you, I’d love to help. Check out the Dragon Guide Reading FAQ’s in the linktree in my bio. You can find that on my Instagram page @aconnectedspark
Do You Trust Your Intuition?
How many times do you question your choices in any given day? A little or a lot? This is one thing I try to be mindful of as I go about my day in this 3d world we live in. Between juggling our 9 to 5’s, parenting children, being good spouses and stewards of the planet, there are a lot of times throughout the day where we can question our decisions and choices. I invite you to begin to be mindful of where you’re questioning yourself and bring yourself back to center. Stop what you’re doing and take a couple of deep belly breaths. Take your breath all the way to the top of your belly and then let it out slowly and exhale out of your mouth. Your body will begin to reset from the chaos of the day and bring yourself back to center. Focus on your feet. FEEL your feet. They should feel heavy. Think of your feet sprouting roots and connecting deep down into Mother Earth. See the roots going deep into the planet and ultimately connecting with the giant Rose Quartz in the center of Mother Earth. Thank this beautiful crystal for bringing you back to center and trusting your intuition. We are naturally intuitive beings, but we’ve been disconnected from that throughout the centuries, so it’s time to come back to a more intuitive way of living. When we are mindful of where our minds can wonder and question ourselves, we can then focus more on our natural state of being and our intuition will slowly come back into focus.
Thank You!
I appreciate that you took the time to connect with me through this newsletter! Please visit me on my Instagram page @aconnectedspark for more spiritual awakening practices and guidance.
With love,
* All photos in this newsletter were taken by me