When the frequency of the planet is shifting, there are new and exciting things coming into our own conscious awareness everyday. These past few years, I’ve been called by my guides to pause in January and take stock of where I’ve been and where my journey is taking me. My guides are reminding me that this spiritual path and ascension mission for our souls isn’t for the faint of heart. The mantra that they’ve placed into my awareness for the past year is ‘Only the strong will survive.’ This is just as much in a spiritual aspect as it is on a physical level. On your ascension journey, you will begin to see from a different lens of discernment. A filter that has been sort of ‘removed’ from your physical eyes and your third eye, spiritually. This filter begins to show that humanity has been guided to believe that we are the only ones who exist in this space, in this world, perhaps in this universe. But once you begin to remember your divinity as a Source Creator Being of Light, you begin to see that you are a part of a large tapestry that has been woven throughout all space and time. Your soul is enormous and you’ve had so many experiences over many lifetimes that ultimately bring you back to remembering your divinity and your light.
This mantra, Only the strong will survive, has always brought me back to my center when things get a little uncomfortable in my world. I know that this is what is going to get us through the ascension process. An open mind, willing to bend with the changes, flow with the tides and always keep the goal of soul growth in mind. And, also let’s not forget, that the physical body must be kept ‘in shape’ & strong so that it can assist us on our ascension path as well. Without our physical body we wouldn’t have a vessel to learn within Earth school.
I want to leave you with this - We are all here to expand our soul knowledge and wisdom. Why else would you decide to return to Earth to come back to school and learn? Because you have more you want to learn about how the tapestry is woven and how love connects everything within that tapestry. How love shapes everything. How love is the key to the higher realms. It all comes back to L O V E.
Here’s to a beautiful year of soul growth and to cheers to you on your journey.
Love -
Kris & The Elementals
*My photo